Nov 27, 2011 | Justin Pullen | 944 views
Exciting Win Against the Ironmen!
November 25 - Goderich
Sailors vs. Wingham Ironmen. After a close 4-2 loss to Listowel, the Sailors rebounded
with a decisive win against the Wingham Ironmen. The kids started the first period nicely, with Cody and
Joseph setting each other up on all 3 goals. Wingham answered one of the three goals with 27 seconds left
on the clock to end the period 3-1.
Cody started the third period with a hat trick goal that was set-up by
Ryan. Dylan landed the fifth goal
for the Sailors with a set-up by Cody.
Assisted by Caleb, Joseph was able to answer the second goal by the
Ironmen to end the second period 6-2.
Cody landed his fourth goal of the game with a quick rush down the ice (assisted by Jacob) to secure the win at 7-2! The strong back checking and digging by the offensive lines, the hard work and poke checking of the defensive line and great goaltending by Grayson definitely paid off to secure the win! Let’s keep it going Sailors!