Mar 17, 2019 | Jessica Daily | 1147 views
70th Annual YCW Bantam Rep A Champs!
Our Bantam Rep Sailors played an impeccable
‘A’ final championship game today against Lambton Shores. With the game going
into 4 on 4 overtime, then 3 on 3 double overtime, tied 2-2 it came down to a
final 5 shot penalty shootout final.
The first goal was well earned by Greer
from McBride and Hogarth. McBride had a sweet unassisted goal shot out from
behind the net by the offense. And our final tie breaking goal to win the game
came from Noel in the shootout and Volland shutting out the offense.
The boys are on the road to play the WOAA
tie breaker in Clinton tomorrow!
Go Sailors!!!