Hot Chocolate and Classified Ad, Playoff Madness Auction, Auctions, PeeWee Lions Rep, U13, 2014-2015 (Goderich Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
Playoff Madness Auction Item: Hot Chocolate and Classified Ad
  • From: Midget AE Team, Value: $30, Minimum Bid: $5, Increment: $2
    Hot Chocolate and Classified Ad
    Current Bid
    Hot Chocolate and Classified Ad
    Carnation Hot Chocolate, Walkers Short Bread Cookies, 2 Mugs and a 2 week complimentary classified word advertisement for up to 25 words in the Goderich Signal Star.
Bids For This Item
  • $7Feb 03, 2015 9:42:55 PM - Shelley Koster
  • $5Jan 26, 2015 5:31:13 PM - Winner
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