Mar 30, 2015 | Jeremy Powell | 2013 views
WOAA Novice Silver Flight Champions-Novice Zehrs
Congratulations to the Novice Zehrs team. They completed the 3 game sweep to win the WOAA Novice Silver Flight Championship over the Hanover Falcons. Hanover definitely wouldn’t go away without a fight as Goderich had to comeback in all 3 games. Earning the nickname “the comeback kids” from the coaches. All the kids played amazing and deserved the fate of the championship. All the coaches, fans and parents are very proud of their accomplishments this year! Coaches house is full of hardware. A big thank you for all the hometown support for coming out and cheering us on! Thank You to our sponsor Goderich Zehrs and to Steve Hewitt for coming out to the party on Saturday to congratulate the kids on their BIG WIN!