Jan 25, 2014 | bwalter | 1686 views
Re: Power Skating Clinic- Thursday, January 30th, 2014 Goderich Minor Hockey is partnering with the YMCA to offer a FULL DAY program for children aged 4-13 years. The program includes 1-hour of Dry Land Sports Conditioning. Register no later than Tuesday, January 28th 2014 by calling 519-524-2125 and registering for the Powerskate PD Day Camp. Cost is $45 for YMCA members and $50 for non-members... SCHEDULE FOR PEE WEE AND ATOM LL..
8-9-Arrival/gym games, 9-9:45-Science Experiments with Y CAMP, 9:45-10-Snack in Streetscape, 10:30-11:15-Science Experiment with Y CAMP, 12-12:30-Lunch in Sky Harbour, 12:45-1:45-ICE, 2-2:15-Snack in gymnasium, 2:15-3:15-POOL(includes time to change), 3-4:30-Dry Land Sports Conditioning Fitness Studio, 4:30-5:30-Dismissal/Gym Games