Gate Schedule, PeeWee AE, 2008-2009 (Goderich Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2008-2009 season, which is not set as the current season.
PrintGate Schedule
Gate Schedule for the season.  If you are unable to run the gate on your scheduled date, please make sure that you switch with someone.  When you are done with the box, please pass it to the next person on list.


FRI, Oct 24 - Gardiner
SAT, Nov.1 - Evans
FRI, Nov 21 - Wilkinson
SAT, Nov 22 - Conlon
SAT, Nov 29 - Clarke
FRI, Dec.12 - Souch
SAT, Dec13 - Hodges
SAT, Dec 20 - Bakker
SAT, Jan 3 - Lajeunesse