Feb 23, 2008 | ppeterson | 991 views
Were off to a great start
The Pee Wee Local League is off to a great start in their first round of play offs.
The team played BCH on saturday Febuary 16th. They were off to a slow start with BCH leading with one all the way till the last few seconds of the game. Goderich managed to tie it up and hold it in over time to stay with a 1-1 tie. The second game against BCH was played on Sunday the 16th in Hensall. The boys all played strong and came up with a 3-1 victory. The next game was played on Febuary 23rd against Kincardine. It was a close game all the way. Adam P opened the scoring with Knicardine coming back to score one, but near the end off the third with a nice pass from Kalean P, Tyler H was right where he needed to be and landed it in the net. Well done boys, keep up the good work.