Jan 06, 2008 | ppeterson | 1008 views
December News
The team played Kincardine on December 8th.
The final score for that game was 3-1 for Kangaroo. The goal scored for that game was by Jake Moulton assisted by Mitchell Prouse. On December 15th the team traveled to Clinton. There was no scoring in the first. In the second Goderich scored to take the lead. The lead stayed that way until Clinton scored with 53 seconds left in the game. The final score was a tie 1-1. The lone goal for that game went to Jake Moulton assisted by Kaelan Profit. December 22nd the team played Ripley it was an off day for the team probably with all the excitement of Christmas coming. The final score for the game was 6-1 for Ripley. The lone goal for that game was by Adam Prouse assisted by Kaelan Profit. Great job for December team all the best in the new year.