Paul Henderson Signed “The Goal of my Life: A Memoir” Hardcover Book, Santa's Sleigh Auction, Auctions (Goderich Minor Hockey)

Santa's Sleigh Auction Item: Paul Henderson Signed “The Goal of my Life: A Memoir” Hardcover Book
  • Value: $80, Minimum Bid: $60, Increment: $2
    Paul Henderson Signed “The Goal of my Life: A Memoir” Hardcover Book
    Current Bid
    Paul Henderson Signed “The Goal of my Life: A Memoir” Hardcover Book
    This book is authentically signed by Paul Henderson. Paul Henderson will forever be recognized and remembered for his goal with 34 seconds remaining in the 8th game of the 1972 Summit Series. This goal gave Canada the lead and won them the series and with that the team became known as "the Team of the Century" and Paul's goal as, "the Goal of the Century." But there is more to Paul Henderson than just that one goal and in The Goal of My Life, Henderson opens up about scoring both on and off...
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Bidding Starts Sunday December 6th at 9am. Bidding closes at 9pm Dec 13th
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