$25.00 Gift Card, Santa's Sleigh Auction, Auctions (Goderich Minor Hockey)

Santa's Sleigh Auction Item: $25.00 Gift Card
  • From: Anstett Jewellers, Value: $25, Minimum Bid: $5, Increment: $1
    $25.00 Gift Card
    Current Bid
    $25.00 Gift Card
    $25.00 Gift Card for Anstett Jewellers. Anstett Jewellers commits to being the leading diamond merchant through a pledge of exceptional selection, professional service and excellent value. We promise the legacy of trust earned over 60 years of selling Fine Jewellery will be nurtured in an environment where customer satisfaction is paramount. We promise to be as dependable as the diamonds we sell. http://anstett.com/
Bids For This Item
  • $15Dec 06, 2015 11:39:50 AM - K-9 Kitty Kennels
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Auction Details
Bidding Starts Sunday December 6th at 9am. Bidding closes at 9pm Dec 13th
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