DSC Hockey Dad's T-shirt (Medium), 2019 GMHI Christmas AUCTION, Auctions (Goderich Minor Hockey)

2019 GMHI Christmas AUCTION Item: DSC Hockey Dad's T-shirt (Medium)
  • From: CleanFreak Cleaning Company, Value: $25, Minimum Bid: $5, Increment: $1
    DSC Hockey Dad's T-shirt (Medium)
    Current Bid
    DSC Hockey Dad's T-shirt (Medium)
    CleanFreak Cleaning Company located at 559 Nairn Drive in Goderich has donated a DSC Hockey Dad t-shirt in size medium. The t-shirt has a cool logo on the front with No Money * No Time Hockey Dad DSC Hockey.
Bids For This Item
  • $5Dec 07, 2019 10:37:50 AM - Bruins
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Auction Details
2019 GMHI Christmas Auction is an online auction to help support Goderich Minor Hockey. The money raised in the online auction will help keep registration fees from increasing. The auction starts on Friday, November 29 and ends at 8 pm on Saturday, December 14, 2019. All winning bidders will be required to pay for and pick up their items on Sunday, December 15 at the Goderich YMCA from 11 AM and 1 PM. Only cash and cheque payments will be accepted. Thank you for supporting Goderich Minor Hockey.
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